Concord 3.0
Kearsarge Concord (Concord, MA)
About the Project:
The Town of Concord, Massachusetts, and its Municipal Light Department are leaders in establishing aggressive renewable energy goals for their community. In support of these goals, Kearsarge was awarded the right to develop the Town’s closed and capped municipal landfill as a Solar Farm. Kearsarge has managed the design, permitting, and financing of the project, and owns and operates the ballasted, ground-mounted, 1.7 MW DC installation. Forging another strong public-private partnership with the Town, the Light Department, and many community stakeholders, Kearsarge worked to maximize the output and design of the project while adhering to a complex set of permitting constraints and site conditions. Power is sold to the Light Department under an advantageous long-term fixed price energy supply agreement, while the Town has tapped the potential of its former solid waste landfill, securing tax and lease revenue. Commercial Operations began April 2014.
Size: 1.7 MW DC
Approximate Annual Production: 2,050,698 kWh
Annual Carbon Dioxide Offset: 1,519 tons
Number of Average Homes’ Electricity Use Annually: 287